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Ongoing care for Perth hills

Bushfire blazeBushfires in Perth’s hills around Parkerville, Stoneville and Mt Helena this January have devastated the area, with reports that 55 homes have been destroyed.

Rev Ron Larkin, moderator of the Uniting Church in WA has responded, extending prayers and care for those who have been affected and giving thanks for the courage and  dedication to people who helped fight the fires and who are caring for those who have lost so much.

“The people within our community in the area, particularly Mundaring Uniting Church, have responded with courage and compassion. This congregation is being supported and  assisted by retired ministers, particularly Rev Nick Stuurstraat and Rev Kira Jamieson and the regional pastor, Rev Dr Alan Stubbs.”

Rev Kira Jamieson said lots of items have been donated to people in the area which has been really wonderful, but now there is a need for cash donations to help with specific items  such as medications, toiletries and toys for children.

“The people of the area really appreciate the support we’ve had from the wider church and we know it will be ongoing when it’s needed,” she said.

Ron said that through the Disaster Relief and Recovery Working Group, led by Rev Gordon Scantlebury, this support will continue.

“The Uniting Church is committed to these communities for the long-term and we hope that our prayers and support can bring some comfort. The Church will provide support for  ongoing community recovery,” Ron said.

You can help by donating to the Uniting Church in WA Disaster Relief Fund. Send cheques or money orders to: The Disaster Relief Fund, Uniting Church in Australia, GPO Box  M952, Perth, WA, 6843 Attention: Gillian Dudley (Finance Department).

To donate electronically, deposit funds to: The Uniting Church Investment Fund, Westpac, BSB: 036 001,  Account: 92 1789

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