News & Announcements

Uniting against racism in sport

The Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) stand as one with AFL player and former Australian of the Year Adam Goodes, who has been subjected to unacceptable racist booing at AFL games.

The Uniting Church and the Congress are two of 150 organisations calling today for renewed efforts to stamp out racism in sport and everyday life.

UCA President, Stuart McMillan, says Australians need to come to terms with the reality of racism in our country.

“People should be cheering Adam Goodes not booing him. He is a magnificent ambassador of the First Peoples of this nation,” said Stuart.

“We applaud his many achievements as an athlete and as a role model for all young Australians.

“We applaud his work to combat disadvantage and encourage the next generation of Indigenous role models in all walks of life.

“The sporting arena is a forum for all Australians to celebrate excellence in diversity.

“This booing is not banter – it is clearly racial abuse – and needs to be named as such.

“Adam, the Uniting Church stands with you against racism and the ongoing abuse of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” said Stuart.

The group of organisations who have issued today’s statement is urging sporting codes and clubs to encourage members and supporters to join the ‘Racism: It Stops with Me’ campaign at