Stories & Feature Articles

Earth, Faith and Mission: The Theology and Practice of Earthcare, by Clive Ayre

Earth, Faith and MissionRev Dr Clive Ayre, a Uniting Church minister, has produced a very useful book to help people respond to the environmental crisis. He examines the nature of the environmental crisis, potential  heological responses and then argues for an ‘eco-mission theology’ approach.

In short he argues that Christians have a responsibility to care for the planet (a point recently reaffirmed by the new Pope and so Ayres is in the mainstream of ecumenical thinking).

He provides a theological argument for taking action and then looks at practical ways in which this could be achieved. He examines, for example, how eco-mission could be manifested in worship, children and youth work, policy issues, media statements and by adopting a particular lifestyle.

This is a very comprehensive book, albeit in less than 200 pages. It is clear and easy to read.

At a time when there is so much despair about the lack of progress globally in protecting the environment, this book offers a message of hope of what could be done. It examines some of the current Christian activities already underway – and urges us to maintain that momentum.

Keith Suter