‘A rural community is people living across a wide rural-based area serviced by a small town (often with limited facilities) which is a central hub for interdependent activities which meet social, commercial, educational and spiritual needs.’ Rural Ministries Working Group
Jesus came and lived amongst people, ministering to people, loving people. The church is a community of people who are bound by that rule of love, giving of themselves for one another as Jesus gave himself for them (John 13). The community of the church is called to live that life of love in all aspects of its life which includes in the wider community. Community in a rural setting tends to be far more intense than in the city. In our small country towns each person is known to the other through the network of community groups in the town. In pastoral care of each other this both helps and hinders the local church community. Everyday pastoral care comes naturally to those we know, and the church community relates easily to the whole community.