News & Announcements

90th celebrations for wildflower show

The first Busselton Wildflower Show was arranged by the Rev Ernest Bryant in 1925 with the help of parishioners of the Busselton Congregational Church.

The event proved popular and a Wildflower Show has been held every Spring since. Originally a competition, particularly for school children, the show would officially open featuring a concert with items byt the church choir of the time and talented members of the community.

The venue changed for some years to the Youth Centre on Bussell Highway, where it expanded, but logistics of all proportions slowly emerged, and the exhibition was brought back to the then named Busselton Uniting Church.

The Wildflower Show has undergone many changes over the years and has become very popular, attracting many tourists both from interstate and overseas.

Over time, it has been revealed that the south west corner of WA is renowned for having one of the richest and most diverse floras in the world.

75% of the 11,000 species recorded in WA grow in the South West of the state.

Presented in an interesting and informed way, individual specimens of wildflowers are displayed with their botanical names, creating interest for both the amateur and expert alike. A team of Botanists, each year, do an outstanding job.

The wildflowers specimens, collected by licenced pickers, are thoroughly checked out by officers from the Department of Parks and Wildlife, all of whom are conscious of the need to conserve our native flora and pick responsibly.

Besides the wildflower display, there have been various stalls displaying cakes, jams, pickles, plants, craft, and local wood work. The dining room has always been popular with an enthusiastic team of volunteers who provide a continuous stream of food while the doors are open.

We would like to acknowledge the huge contribution made, not only by church members, but also many volunteers from far and wide.

The success of the Wildflower Exhibition has been and continues to be, a huge commitment each year, but the fellowship and joy of working together, far outpasses any hardships.

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the Busselton Wildflower Exhibition. It will be held from Thursday 1 October, 9.00am–9.00pm and Friday 2 October, 9.00am–6.00pm at the church, 47 Kent St, Busselton.

Cost is $10 adults, $6 pensioners and free for children.

For more info contact Linda Stephenson on 9752 3304 or email