Stories & Feature Articles

Charity ride supports crisis care

Byford Crisis Care, a community service of Byford Uniting Church, recently received a huge amount of support from the local community to help families in need in the lead-up to Christmas.

Linda Burgess, an assistant at Byford Crisis Care, mentioned to her family about the great work of her friend, Helen Rowe, a member at Byford Uniting Church, providing food parcels and assistance to families affected by domestic violence in the district.

Linda’s family are associated with motorcycle enthusiasts, so the word quickly spread that a charity ride through the districts of Byford, Mundijong, Pinjarra and Rockingham would take place beginning at Captain Munchies in Fremantle and ending at the Byford Country Club. A donation to Byford Uniting Church would be made, for use to provide additional Christmas goods to families sidelined by domestic violence and other hurdles.

Helen asked if I would join her to represent Byford Uniting Church and we both expected a gathering of maybe a dozen local bikers. We arrived to a park full of motorcycles. After the ride, more than 100 participants including wives, partners and children, gathered at the Byford Country Club for a fun family fundraiser. These local community members had obviously learnt of the great work coming out of Byford Uniting Church and without any sense of special favour provided Helen and Linda a sum of $2200 for Byford Crisis Care.

What did I, as a Christian, learn? Never judge a book by its cover.

I also reflected on recent lectionary readings where the gospel of Mark contrasted a response to Jesus’ question “what do you want me to do for you?”

Two of the disciples said “We want to be near you when you become king in the new kingdom.” Bartimaeus, acknowledging his blindness said “Lord, I want to see.” When such men, women and children come from ‘the sidelines’ – like Bartimeaus – to endorse activities of a local church so enthusiastically, we have an opportunity to say “Thank you Lord for taking away our blindness.”

To donate to Byford Crisis Care, or for more information, contact Evan at


Evan Maltby