News & Announcements

UnitingCare Australia urges PM to take leadership on National Redress Scheme

“Confirmation from the office of Social Services Minister, Christian Porter that a Federal Government response to a national redress scheme for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse is imminent, is welcome news to UnitingCare Australia,” said Lin Hatfield Dodds, national director of Uniting Care Australia.

“The development of a national redress scheme is critical to ensuring survivors receive justice and healing.

“UnitingCare Australia supports a national scheme and asks Prime Minister Turnbull to lead the Federal Government in working with state governments and relevant organisations to develop an appropriate scheme.”

“Recommendations of the Royal Commission cost the scheme at $4.01 billion. In order to fully establish a redress scheme UnitingCare Australia believes it is both just and reasonable that the cost of redress be met by governments and institutions where abuse took place.

“This issue transcends politics. In order to achieve justice for survivors, governments and non-government organisations will need to come together to deliver an effective national redress scheme.

“A national scheme will ensure consistency and fairness in dealing with survivors and therefore deliver the best outcomes to them. We stand ready to contribute and call on all Australian governments to step up to play their part also.”

“Ongoing access for survivors to counselling and specialist trauma services is critical to long-term wellbeing, and a national scheme provides the best guarantee of these.”

“A partnership model across politics and other relevant organisations is essential. A similar scheme in Ireland was developed on a shared funding model.