Stories & Feature Articles

From the Archives: World War One Chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary of the year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive has published a series of articles highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served in WWI. This is the final in the series.

Rev Milton Maley was born in South Australia in 1880 and came to Western Australia to begin his probation as a Methodist minister in 1908. From then until his ordination in 1912, he served as a home missionary in Kellerberrin, Wagin Mt Magnet, Meekatharra and Brookton.

In 1915, he was appointed chaplain to the AIF on 25 September 1915 and spent four years abroad with the 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Milton Maley embarked on the HMAT Ulysses on 27 October 1915 for Egypt.

He was appointed chaplain 4th Class at Al Hayat Convalescent depot Helouan Egypt. In March 1916, he moved to No 2 Australian Stationary Hospital Tel-el-Kebir Egypt. His next move was to the 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade Anzac Mounted Division with the English Expeditionary Forces and was appointed senior chaplain of the Methodist Division Egypt.

His next appointment was at regional Headquarters with the 6th Light Horse Regiment Egypt.

In October 1919, he embarked Port Said for England and was granted extended leave before his return to Australia in November 1919.

Rev Maley was discharged from the AIF service on the 29 December 1919 and after four years as a military chaplain he returned to WA and went to Albany to continue his ministry. In 1938, he moved back to South Australia and on his retirement came back to live at Safety Bay.

Rev Maley died in WA on 3 October 1971, age 91.

Sheena Hesse