News & Announcements

Rowethorpe gives thanks

Over 40 members of Rowethorpe Uniting Church joyfully celebrated the gifts of God at our recent Harvest Thanksgiving Service. A long table had been set-up in the centre of the Chapel, and people acknowledged their thanks to God by placing items on the table and speaking about the influence their gift had on their lives. Items included hand-painted pictures and craft work, a quantity of wool and knitting, kitchen and garden utensils, music books, building equipment and tools, a mobile phone, a box of used stamps, and a model of a London bus representing public transport.

At the front of the table was placed a large basket of contributed non-perishable food, which was later delivered to UnitingCare West. After sighting a large bowl of fruit and vegetables, we heard a short but compelling sermon on a biblical Harvest offering (Deut. 26: 1-11) by our minister, Rev Dr Alison Longworth.

During the service, bowls of grapes and bread were brought around for us to eat and enjoy.

An important part of the service was when opportunity was taken to dedicate to the glory of God, the gift of the new Public Address System, which was donated to the church by the family of Myra Rudd in her memory.

Brian Gates