News & Announcements

Editorial: Have your say!

As some of our readers may already know, there have been many changes in staffing at the Uniting Church Centre over the last few months, with a number of redundancies.

The Media and Communications Team will, sadly, farewell Andy Reavell as our Production Officer at the end of April. Andy has been working at the Uniting Church WA for more than ten years and has been instrumental in the production of Revive, as well as loads of other Uniting Church WA publications and design work.

Stories & Feature Articles

Church camps: time with God

For decades, kids and young people have attended church camps as a fun way to build community and grow in faith. While there has been a decline in church camping within the Uniting Church WA over the years, a number of new opportunities have also arisen.

Kid’s Camp Out (KCO), originally called KUCA Camp, is still going strong as the Uniting Church WA’s longest running camp, held annually since 1984; the second annual Messy Church Summer Camp was recently held in January; CampFIRE encourages families in their faith; some Uniting Church WA congregations have been organising their own camps; and the Uniting Church Campsite is back in operation after years of neglect.

Many Uniting Church members will attest to camps playing a strong part in their faith and spiritual identity. As Rev Greg Ross, minister at St Augustine Uniting Church, Bunbury, said, many members will often share how camps have helped shape them, or led them down certain paths.

So what is it about camping that creates so many fond memories?