News & Announcements

Trinity North Messy Church gathers once again

After a break due to COVID-19 restrictions, Trinity North Uniting Church recommenced Messy Church once the restrictions in WA were eased to allow gatherings.

Messy Church at Trinity North Uniting Church attracts both church families and families from the community. We had 67 people at the August service.

Our theme was taken from Get Messy, the international Messy Church magazine and was developed by Rob and Robyn Douglas, Messy Church Leaders at High Wycombe Baptist Church.

Based on the story in Acts 8 of the Ethiopian treasurer and Phillip, we animated the story with a ride on chariot made by one of our leaders. We explored aspects of the story, which engaged the children but also raised questions which hopefully might challenge their parents and other adults in the congregation.

Five different activities, all suggested in the leaders guide in Get Messy, were available and all proved popular with families.

Ethiopian spices were available to observe, smell, taste and learn how they were used in cooking. We also made paper angels for possible use on the Christmas Trees, scrolls, and did some colouring in. For junior mechanics, a hill trolley was assembled from prepared parts and given an extensive work out by the builders.

As is normal, following a review by all of the theme, prayer and grace, we all enjoyed a great meal and conversation around tables prepared by our COVID-19 hospitality qualified catering team.

Our Messy Church congregation is a vital inter-generational Fresh Expression of worship which we know is bringing an understanding of Jesus and good news to our community.

Messy Church is an all ages style of worship involving hands on creative experiences, a celebration and a shared meal. Find out more here.

Geoff Schupp