News & Announcements

Toodyay back on deck

A year of fundraising plans for Toodyay Uniting Church flew out of the window when COVID-19 restrictions came into place.

In fact, we had to place all our plans on hold. Gradually we are slowly resuming our activities.

Spring in Toodyay is a beautiful time of the year and our first event for 2020 was an Open Garden on 10 October at a home in Settlers Ridge. With social distancing in mind we were able to space out the visitors and allow them to wander the garden before enjoying a Devonshire Tea.

Our next event was a very successful Car Boot Sale held in the grounds of St Stephen’s Anglican Church, who we share worship with. The church is situated on the main road through the town and is an ideal spot for such an event.

Our last event for 2020 was a Christmas Market stall in December. All our fundraising events are the combined effort of members of the Toodyay Anglican and Uniting Churches.

Sheena Hesse