Stories & Feature Articles

5 minutes with… Kerry Povey

Kerry Povey is the Chair of the Uniting Church WA International Partnerships and Development Commission, and a member at Trinity North Uniting Church. She takes 5 minutes to share some of her passions with Revive.

What is the International Partnerships and Development Commission?

The International Partnerships and Development Commission (IPDC) is a group of diverse, but like-minded people from WA Uniting Churches who get together monthly to discuss the various international partnerships that the Western Australian Synod is involved in. It is really exciting to be a part of as most of the members have travelled overseas and formed personal connections with people in the partnership that they represent.

The personal relationships that we form with our overseas partners is what makes the Synod projects extra special. Getting to know the people that we are walking alongside enhances the joy we feel in helping others and keeps us committed to doing God’s work. If there are any congregations or social groups interested in hearing more about what we do, we would love to come and visit!

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What has inspired you lately?

Now, more than ever, I have been inspired by those who for many years I have regarded as the unsung heroes of our society. The medical teams who have in very uncertain times put their lives on the line to care for complete strangers suffering with COVID-19. The scientists working hard to deliver a vaccine, the researchers searching for new drugs to treat disease, the laboratory technicians striving to deliver test results in a timely manner and the contact tracers working tirelessly to stop the spread.

I think that finally these dedicated people are getting some of the recognition that they deserve.

Who do you admire?

I admire Jan Thorpe and Lee-Anne Burnett, a couple of the ladies in the Black Pearl Network. They are amazing women of God who live their lives taking the love of Christ to others. They both dedicate much of their spare time to the Black Pearl Network, a project of the IPDC, which without them would definitely not be the same! They have taught me a lot about living out your Christian beliefs and self-sacrifice.