News & Announcements

Wesley College opens refurbished wing

Wesley College, a Uniting Church WA school in South Perth, enjoyed the company of Uniting Church WA Moderator, Rev Steve Francis, at the official opening of its Clive Hamer Wing on Tuesday 12 June.

The newly-refurbished space is to become a magnet for innovation, where Wesley students can move their ideas forward and learn the skills that will be needed for the jobs of tomorrow.

“The integration of technology is outstanding – from our virtual reality gear, to our laser cutting machine, to the 3D printer. Students can broadcast their work, or make prototype games, or build robots. All these things bring together the traditional notions of technology and computer science, but start pushing them forwards,” said Headmaster, David Gee.

News & Announcements

Juniper Gerdewoonem opens in Kununurra

Much needed additional aged care for the East Kimberley has been commissioned with the official opening of Juniper Gerdewoonem (‘Juniper among the Boab Trees’).

Juniper Chief Executive Vaughan Harding said the new multipurpose facility expands vital services to the Kununurra community and provides greater opportunities for local employment and career paths in aged care.

“Our investment in the Kimberley is significant and this latest initiative builds on Juniper’s strong commitment to supporting older people and their families in regional Western Australia,” he said. “In addition to bringing much-needed accommodation, this multipurpose aged care facility enables the expansion of home and community care services in the region, so older people have greater access to vital services in town and may no longer travel to Perth or Darwin to get the help they require.”

News & Announcements

Community Iftar dinner building dialogue and solidarity

The Uniting Church WA Ecumenical Affairs Commission hosted an Iftar dinner on Saturday 9 June at St Peter and Emmaus Church in Joondanna, with members of the Muslim community in Perth, through the Intercultural Harmony Society. The evening was a fantastic opportunity for members of the Christian and Islamic faiths to come together and share a meal, conversation and some of the common aspects of the two faiths.

This year, Ramadan is held from Wednesday 16 May to Thursday 14 June. During this time, many Muslims fast from dawn to sunset as part of their spiritual reflection. Fasting during Ramadan is a time of discipline and personal reflection on time with God. The Iftar dinner is the breaking of the fast, held at sunset each day during Ramadan, beginning with a call to prayer. Iftar dinners are often spent with friends, family and community, making it a great time to share together with members of the Uniting Church WA.

Rev David de Kock, General Secretary of the Uniting Church WA, welcomed guests before Ismail Yildiz recited the call to prayer. After the meal, verses were read from the Bible and the Quran, followed by a reflection from Saliha Yildiz, year 8 student at Fountain College, on what participating in Ramadan means to her.

News & Announcements

Mandola Art Award winners announced

West Australian artist Mikaela Castledine has taken out the $25 000 St John of God Health Care Prize at the 2018 Mandorla Art Awards with her work God is in the House.

The judges commented that the work is a beautifully crafted piece that takes ordinary found objects and through the artistic process turns them into the sacred. The humble materials of glass, beads and thread have been made into something much more significant. The feminine craft of the work speaks to the human desire to create architectural forms. The forms are clearly recognisable as ecclesiastical but from a range of different faiths.

News & Announcements

Uniting Church opts in on Redress

The President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, announced yesterday that the Uniting Church will opt in to the Federal Government’s National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

“We acknowledge the impact of child sexual abuse in the lives of those who have been abused in our institutions or those of our predecessor churches. To each survivor and all of their families, I am truly sorry,” said Stuart.

“It is our sincere hope that this National Redress Scheme will allow survivors of institutional child sexual abuse to access support to help them in their lives,” he said.

News & Announcements

National Reconciliation Week: Learn, share, grow

The Presidents of the Uniting Church in Australia and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress have urged congregations to find out more about the history of Indigenous people in their area during Reconciliation Week.

“Reaching out to local First Peoples and listening to their stories is the first step towards reconciliation,” said Uniting Church President, Stuart McMillan.

“Acknowledgement of country is a widely accepted practice in Australian public life, so I’m shocked at the number of people who are unaware or sometimes even deny basic facts about First Peoples.”

News & Announcements

Guiding the next generation

Over 50 people across cultures and generations came together for the Intercultural Next Generation Conference at Cannington Uniting Church in Perth’s southern suburbs from Friday 23 to Monday 26 March.

Uniting Church members from Tongan, Indonesian, Samoan, Chinese, Arabic, Burmese, African and Anglo-Celtic communities came to share their stories and learn from one another.

Conference sessions covered ‘cultural intelligence’, how our culture affects our understanding of the Bible and bridging the gap between first and second generations.

My personal highlight was when the young people shared with the ‘older folk’ on how they can better engage with the young people in the church.

News & Announcements

Mandorla Art Award finalists announced

The Mandorla Art Award committee has announced the finalists for the 2018 award.

The Mandorla Art Award for contemporary religious art is a significant Australian thematic religious art prize, attracting some of the country’s finest artists since its 1985 inception. Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church is Patron for the award, along with Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy, Anglican Diocese of Perth, and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. The award is sponsored by St John of God and a range of ecumenical partners.

The selection panel of Claire Bushby, Janis Nedela and Emeritus Prof Bill Loader deliberated for some time to make a selection of 40 works from the 186 entries received. The artworks respond to the 2018 theme “And then I saw a new heaven and a new earth…” (Rev 21 : 1-2).

News & Announcements

Juniper reveals latest in apartment living

Juniper, Uniting Church WA agency providing residential and community aged care, has opened its newest retirement apartments to provide greater accommodation options for people seeking quality lifestyle choices.

Chief Executive, Vaughan Harding, said understanding people’s changing needs and their desire to live a full life are at the heart of Juniper Orana in Menora.

“This initiative represents the best in retirement accommodation where residents can enjoy security, independence and the benefits of community living,” he said.

“Juniper Orana successfully promotes apartments for life and ‘ageing in place’ – a concept where housing and community design enable residents to live and enjoy their home for as long as possible.”

News & Announcements

Start a Social Justice Action Group

The Social Justice Unit of the Uniting Church WA recently launched its Social Justice Action Groups (SJAG), to provide support to those thinking of advocating social justice issues and don’t know where to start.

“Social Justice is such a core part of the identity of the Uniting Church,” said Geoff Bice, Social Justice Consultant for the Uniting Church WA. “Setting up a Social Justice Action Group in your community is a key way of co-ordinating and localising action. I think it also demonstrates our dedicated love for others, through social justice, as a fundamental expression of the gospel.”

The Social Justice Unit can assist groups to put their plan into action whether it is to run an event, start a letter writing campaign or volunteer with a local service provider. A SJAG can be based in a congregation, a region or with a bunch of friends. It’s a great way to connect with like-minded individuals who aspire to make a difference in social justice.