News & Announcements

National conference explores Transforming Worship

Transforming Worship is a national gathering for preachers, worship leaders, musicians, artists, poets, and others to explore how worship shapes our lives and our world.

For the first time in 30 years, Adelaide will host a national worship conference for the Uniting Church, as part of the Uniting Church in Australia’s 40th anniversary celebrations.

National director for Formation, Education and Discipleship Craig Mitchell hopes this event will reflect the breadth and richness of worship in the Uniting Church.

“Together at Transforming Worship, we will explore how God forms us in faith and transforms us for discipleship and mission,” Craig said.

“This conference will embrace the depth of our worship traditions and also attend to the contemporary world where we live as disciples.”

News & Announcements

Reflections on Micah

The annual Micah Australia Voices for Justice Conference provides an opportunity for people to engage on justice issues with politicians in Canberra, from a Christian context.

Attendees from Christian communities all over the country participated in the conference, held in November last year. In our nation’s capital they were invited to pray, worship and speak up to influence our Parliament to work towards achieving goals in the direction of Australia becoming a better global neighbour.

The three-day event included advocacy training, lobby groups, Biblical teaching, worship and prayer, meetings with politicians in Parliament House, practical workshops and kids and youth programs.

News & Announcements

Fracking: opportunity or calamity?

Last night, in the lead-up to the Western Australian State Election, a forum was held at St George’s Cathedral, Perth, exploring The Science and Ethics of Fracking in WA.

Hosted by the Frack Free Future Alliance and Doctors for the Environment, a panel of expert scientists, religious leaders and political representatives discussed if unconventional gas mining and fracking is an economic opportunity, or a health and environment calamity.

Speaking on the panel was Dr Ryan Vogwill, hydrologist, Prof Melissa Haswell, health academic, and The Right Rev Bishop Tom Wilmot, retired Anglican Bishop of Perth. Ex-Premier, Prof Carmen Lawrence chaired the evening.

News & Announcements

To 40 and beyond

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Uniting Church in Australia. Here, Stuart McMillan, president of the Uniting Church in Australia, shares a message to the church, inviting church members to celebrate this milestone. 

2017 is a special year for the Uniting Church in Australia. Together we mark 40 years since church union.

At the inauguration service on Wednesday 22 June 1977 the first President Rev Dr Davis McCaughey, the primary author of our Basis of Union, remarked that church union ‘meant absolutely nothing, unless it drives us back to the fundamental questions – where do you come from, where are you going, and who are you?’

News & Announcements

Hazel Creagh: Theological Hall gives thanks

To the great sorrow of her family and friends, Hazel Creagh died unexpectedly on Wednesday 8 February.

Born into the Mather family on 4 July 1939, Hazel grew up in the Leederville Congregational Church and married a young farmer, Jim Creagh. When they later moved to the city, Jim and Hazel joined the Presbyterian Coolbellup congregation. In 1974, Coolbellup became part of the Hilton-Cockburn joint parish, in which Hazel and Jim were important leaders. Hazel participated in a course for lay preachers held locally under the Theological Hall Faculty’s oversight. Around the time of the union of the churches in 1977, she became a member of the Presbytery of Peel and the Synod’s Board of Ministry, convening the latter’s group overseeing the Division of Nurture. In 1978, she became a Presbytery representative on the Joint Presbyteries’ Settlements Advisory Committee.

News & Announcements

Wembley celebrates and gives thanks

This year marks the centenary of Wembley Uniting Church.

On Sunday 12 February 2017, the congregation celebrated with a Thanksgiving Service, celebrating the date which Miss Mildred Grigg started a Sunday School in her parents home in the local area just over 100 years ago.

News & Announcements

Easter art exploring loss, grief, oppression and mortality

Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth, one of the oldest and iconic churches in Perth, is for the eighth time preparing to present the Stations of the Cross Art Exhibition at Easter.

This year, the commissioned artists – who hail from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds – were asked to focus on the embodiment of humanity within their works and to engage in  interfaith dialogue by exploring universal experiences such as loss, grief, oppression and mortality. Through a variety of forms – including painting, sculpture, photography and textiles – the  exhibition bridges between sacred stories and the issues and events that are present in our contemporary world.

News & Announcements

Tribute to a founding father

A rededication ceremony was held on Sunday 27 November to commemorate the relocation of a memorial for Rev David Shearer from St Andrew’s Uniting Church to its original setting at David’s gravesite in East Perth Cemetery.

Prior to his career as a minister, David was a school teacher, a profession he worked in until he was licensed to preach by the Free Church Presbytery of Edinburgh in 1871. He was ordained the following year. David was given a commission from the Established and Free Churches of Scotland to establish the Presbyterian Church in Western Australia. He sailed from Gravesend, with his  wife Margaret and family, arriving in Fremantle in October 1879.

News & Announcements

Faith and friendship at Yurora

Yurora NCYC 2017, the Uniting Church in Australia’s National Christian Youth Convention, had its genesis in 1955. These days it is a festival of art, music, theology and fellowship.

Yurora runs for five days every two to three years with hundreds of young people from across Australia attending. This year, it was held from 8–12 January in Sydney with a program including Canadian group  Tim Neufield and the Glory Boys, and a whole crowd of Australian artists, including Pirate Church, who feature in this edition’s profile story on page 6.

Covering dozens of important social and theological topics, festival goers attended sessions throughout the day learning about issues like reconciliation, multicultural worship, the intersection of  environmental care and theology and a host of other hot issues.

News & Announcements

Harvest thanksgiving and centenary celebrations

On Sunday 11 February 1917, a young music teacher by the name of Mildred Grigg gathered four children together in the home where she lived with her parents for the first meeting of what was called the Pioneer Sunday School.

The house was in Pangbourne Street, Churchlands, in the western suburbs of Perth. In 1924 it became known as Wembley Park after the suburb of London which hosted the British Empire Exhibition in that year. By the end of 1917 there were 26 names on the Sunday School roll, regular worship services were being held in the Grigg home, and the Methodist Church had purchased land a few doors down at 35 Pangbourne Street, where the first church building was erected a few years later.