News & Announcements

US refugee deal raises hope and questions

The president of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, has welcomed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s recent announcement of a ‘one-off’ agreement with the United States to resettle refugees currently detained on Nauru and Manus Island.

While details of the arrangement remain vague, Stuart has welcomed the thrust of the announcement.

“The Uniting Church has long campaigned for an end to the inhumane detention of people on Nauru and Manus Island,” said Stuart.

“In that there is hope that people might soon be able to start rebuilding their lives, I welcome this as a positive development,” he said.

UnitingJustice Australia National Director Rev Elenie Poulos is calling for more details about the agreement.

“There are many unanswered questions,” said Elenie. “How many people will the US take? What will happen to refugees who miss out on a place? Are those people from Nauru currently in Australia for medical treatment included in the agreement? 

News & Announcements

Prayers for New Zealand

The President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, has called Australians to keep New Zealanders in their prayers after a series of powerful earthquakes hit the east coast of the South Island overnight.

Two people are confirmed to have died and there has been extensive damage to roads and infrastructure.

“Right now our sisters and brothers in Aotearoa need our prayers as they confront the effects of another serious earthquake,” said Stuart.

“Our ecumenical friends in the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand begin their annual Assembly this week. We have informed them and the Methodist Church of Aotearoa and New Zealand of our prayers and concern.”

News & Announcements

Musical director wanted

Uniting Singers is a mixed voice group of singers who provide entertainment to residents of nursing homes and retirement centres. Concerts consist of songs by the whole group and items by individual members. They also include segments during which the audience is encouraged to singalong.

Most members are retirees and belong to a Uniting Church, coming from all around the metropolitan area. Uniting Singers practice at Floreat All Saints Uniting Church during early months of each year, putting  together a program of items which is then used throughout the year.

Their Acting Musical Director is currently seeking someone with more experience to take over this leadership role.

For more information please contact Ray Young on 9293 3228.

News & Announcements

Phyllis Popplewell remembered

Family, friends and members from five denominations came together at Moora Uniting Church to share a landmark event on Sunday 31 July: the dedication of three leadlight windows constructed with a bequest from Phyllis Popplewell whose ‘Wishes into Windows’ had finally been successful.

Formalities were conducted by Rev Ken Devereux, with Church Council chair, Jonathan Nelson, and I assisting. With Judy Barrett at the piano, Jillian Nelson led the chorus singing and later the congregation  lustily sang hymns that reflected the two short verse captions at the bottom of the two long windows: The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) and God cares for You (1 Peter 5:7).

During the dedication ceremony, Ken called forth representatives from each of the churches present and asked them to tell everyone which parts of the windows appealed to them most. There are lots of small and larger defined subjects in lovely coloured glass from which to choose.

News & Announcements

One step closer on national redress scheme

The president of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of a national redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse in institutions.

“The Uniting Church strongly supports a single national redress scheme and I congratulate the Federal Government for its leadership on this issue,” said Stuart.

“A national approach has been identified by the Royal Commission as best meeting the needs of survivors.”

The scheme outlined by Social Services Minister Christian Porter will be led by the Commonwealth with states, territories and institutions invited to opt in on the principle that they fund the cost of their own redress claims.

The proposed scheme addresses concerns about funder of last resort arrangements where an institution no longer exists or has the capacity to pay.

News & Announcements

Refugees deserve compassion

The president of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan has spoken out against the Federal Government’s proposed lifetime visa bans on certain people seeking asylum.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced legislation that will seek to prevent hundreds of people who arrived in Australia by boat seeking asylum after 19 July 2013 from ever re-entering Australia.

“This is unconscionably harsh treatment,” said Stuart. “It is inhumane to continue to punish and further traumatise people for fleeing persecution in their home country.

“I hope Members and Senators of good conscience will show their humanity by voting against this legislation.

“Our parliamentarians need to come together to find a humane solution for the people on Nauru and Manus island. We are better than this as a nation, and people asking for our help deserve better from us,” said Stuart.

National director of UnitingJustice, Rev Elenie Poulos, said that the proposed policy was cruel and inexcusable.

News & Announcements

We are all engaged in God’s mission

Engaged in God’s Mission. These were the words with which `Rev Daniel Viljoen, mission development officer at UnitingCare West, challenged us with at Willetton Uniting Church on Sunday 28 August.

He focussed our attention with the reference to Matthew 25 and its message of our commitment to Jesus being expressed by the caring for others who need our support. He encouraged us all to form relationships of connection. Volunteers who directly assist in the various arms of UnitingCare are needed, but our care can also be expressed by means of donations of food, clothing and care packs.

Megan Richards and Karen Misic shared stories from the UnitingCare West Fremantle Service Centre. They assist in emergency relief areas such as accommodation support, referral to other services, food, and  more. However, the importance of just being there for a chat and to make time for people to feel safe to express their feelings is a big part of this relationship connection.

News & Announcements

Juniper wins top safety accolade

Juniper has received Western Australia’s premier award for occupational health and safety in the workplace. Juniper is a Uniting Church WA agency providing residential and community aged care.

Receiving Worksafe WA’s award for Best Workplace Safety and Health Management System, Vaughan Harding, Juniper’s chief executive, said a strong culture of safety backed by comprehensive training and management systems ensured employees are equipped to do their jobs safely.

“Juniper prides its self on having an excellent safety culture and actively encourages continuous improvement and safety awareness,” he said.

Since 2010 the Juniper workforce has increased by 20 per cent to more than 1,600 employees, and significantly, workers compensation claims and serious injury reports had steadily decreased each year.

Vaughan said as Juniper responded to growing community demand for aged care and support services, the organisation has established new services and facilities across the State while maintaining and improving systems that support the safety and wellbeing of employees, residents and clients.

News & Announcements

UnitingCare redoubles efforts to address housing and homelessness

A national forum of 40 frontline UnitingCare service providers held in Sydney recently has committed to developing a national action plan to work with government to address housing and homelessness in Australia.

“Every day our frontline community services across the country despair at the number of people living in Australia without the fundamental human need of housing,” UnitingCare Australia’s acting national director, Martin Cowling said.

“Our services have told us that the issue is getting worse, not better. In fact, we believe it now represents a national crisis.

“As such, we believe the issue requires strong national leadership and a national response strategy.

News & Announcements

Greenwood Girls’ Brigade celebrates 40th anniversary

This year is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Greenwood Girls’ Brigade, formerly known as 3rd Perth.

Captain of Greenwood Girls’ Brigade, Sarah Menaglio said, “Over many years, Greenwood Girls’ Brigade has contributed to the community by developing responsible young members of the community, providing a  safe environment for girls to develop a range of life skills and build lasting friendships, and building confidence in girls.

“There were no activities for children in the Greenwood area in 1976. Elizabeth Stokes had a background in Girls’ Brigade and was keen to establish a group in Greenwood.”

Beyond learning life skills, Sarah explained that the aim of Girls’ Brigade is, “To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility find true  enrichment of life. This has remained the same over time, though the way in which this is delivered to the girls has been adapted to changing times.”