News & Announcements

Moderator expresses thanks for logging freeze

Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, has written to Hon David Kelly MLA, Minister for Water; Forestry; Innovation and ICT; Science; Youth, to thank him for his recent decision to place a freeze on the logging of two-tier karri forests in the South West.

The Uniting Church WA has been vocal in the past about the need to protect our forests.

News & Announcements

Uniting Church WA calls on WA RSL to reconsider its stance

The Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, Rev Steve Francis, has today called on the RSL of WA to reconsider its position to ban the flying of the Aboriginal flag and the performance of Welcome to Country ceremonies during ANZAC and Rememberence Day services.

“This is an extremely disappointing decision by the RSL WA that creates real hurt for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” he said.

News & Announcements

Ministry into the unknown

Rev Simon Goddard, a Baptist minister from Fresh Expressions UK, will be visiting Perth to share his experiences and knowledge in pioneering ministry and church leadership.

Simon will be a keynote speaker at two events in March: The Pioneer Ministry Gathering; and Tools for Resilient Church Leadership in Changing Contexts, which will also feature Rev Dr Adam McIntosh, the Associate Director of Mission (Pastoral Care) for the Uniting Church Queensland, and Peter Kenyon, from the Bank of IDEAS.

Brought to you by the Uniting Church WA’s Thrive Mission Committee, these events will encourage those attending to explore Pioneer Ministry, while sharing their own experiences and learning from each other.

News & Announcements

Perth unites for bushfire relief

A Perth event bringing together various faith-based and community groups has raised $25 000 for bushfire relief.

Perth Unites for Bushfire Relief was held on Monday 27 January in Hyde Park, Perth. The Uniting Church WA, through the Social Justice Commission, joined the City of Vincent, Perth Mosque, Buddhist Society of WA, Haka for Life, Corroboree for Life, Manup Tutangata, Muslim Aid Australia and more.

News & Announcements

Alpha returns

Alpha in the CBD, facilitated by Uniting Church in the City (UCIC), is starting up again in 2020, with a new round of courses beginning in February. This follows successful courses in 2019, including an Alpha Parenting Teenagers course and an Alpha Prayer course.

Alpha courses are designed for anyone interested in finding out more about Christianity. They provide opportunities for people to ask any questions they might have about the faith in a  welcoming and safe space.

News & Announcements

WCC prays for respite from heat and flames in Australia

Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), issued a pastoral letter to Australian churches in response to catastrophic fires in many parts of the country. 

News & Announcements

Nature play adventures take over South Perth

After months of planning and preparation, the South Perth Early Childhood Centre, of South Perth Uniting Church, opened their new nature playground, on Wednesday 23 October.

Despite the short bursts of rain, kids and adults alike took joy in exploring the playground and enjoying new adventures.

A nature playground is a specially designed playground which encourages children to play in elements of nature, such as climbing trees, playing in gardens and even getting dirty in the mud. In August 2018, the South Perth Early Childhood Centre was granted $65 000 from Lotterywest to build theirs.

News & Announcements

Aged care sector warns of 2020 emergency risk

The national aged care sector, including UnitingCare Australia, warns that, with today’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) flagging no additional direct investment for residential and home care, the risk of aged care emergencies looms large in 2020.

The Government had already announced $537 million in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission, with an additional $87 million announced today mainly covering Government administration costs.

News & Announcements

Business Start-up Awards create career opportunities

As they Celebrated International Day of People with a Disability, on Tuesday 3 December, Good Sammy Enterprises (previously Good Samaritan Industries) awarded their inaugural Good Sammy Business Start-up Awards to young people living with a disability inspiring pathways to their working future.

With final exams over and the school year complete, and while thousands of Western Australia’s school leavers are considering their future career opportunities, Good Sammy’s Start-Up Award winners will be making use of their prize money to turn their passions into a business opportunity. These awards are kindly sponsored and supported by Santos.

News & Announcements

Editorial: ARPA recognition

We have some exciting news this edition, as Revive magazine recently won an Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA) Award!

We won a Gold Award for the ‘Best Social Justice Article’, Rethinking plastic: Local action on a global issue,’ published in our June 2018 edition.

The award ceremony and conference was held in Christchurch, New Zealand, in September. I wasn’t able to attend, however, Maggie Johns, Media and Communications Manager for the Uniting Church WA, attended and accepted the award. With this being only our second edition in our new format after taking a short hiatus earlier this year, I’m stoked for the magazine to be  appreciated in this way.