Social Impact

Is it just a crisis budget or are there cries for a just budget?

Budgets reveal what we consider most important, our ideologies for achieving progress, and the value with which we hold people in different circumstances. Geoff Bice, Social Justice Consultant for the Uniting Church WA, shares his reflections on the 2020 Federal Budget.

Social Impact

Reduce the number of Aboriginal children in care

The Uniting Church WA calls on the State and Federal Governments to fund and support Aboriginal organisations to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in Government care. The Uniting Church WA also called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 14 years in Western Australia.

The calls were made at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA where more than 150 Uniting Church members from around Western Australia came together to discuss issues of importance in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Western Australia, and the wider community this weekend, Friday 11 to Sunday 13 September.

Social Impact

Indigenous Lives Matter: Australians march to end injustice

When George Floyd died at the hands of police in the United States, Americans took to the streets and sparked global outrage. In Western Australia, thousands of people have supported the Black Lives Matter movement – online and via protests – even amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic. While Scott Morrison claimed this was an American issue not relevant back home, Australia disagreed and called out the more than 400 Indigenous Australians who have died in custody since the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Social Impact

Be inspired to act this Sustainable September

Rev Gordon Scantlebury, Uniting Church WA minister and member of the Social Justice Commission, has prepared this year’s Sustainable September resources. The Uniting Church WA, through the Social Justice Commission, resources the church for Sustainable September each year as part of the World Council of Churches’ Season of Creation.

Gordon invites you to reflect and take part.

Social Impact

The future must remain renewable

The Uniting Church WA and the Uniting Church Vic Tas have teamed up to invite members to write letters to our government leaders expressing concerns around funding for renewable energy supplies in Australia.

The churches have put together a joint resource to inform members and support them with their letters.

Social Impact

Christian spirit of truth, hope and love can help protect our world from devastating climate change

Marguerite Marshall shares her thoughts on how Australia can move towards renewable energy. Marguerite is a Uniting Church member and was trained by Al Gore as a climate reality leader.

Social Impact

Virtual sleepover provides a window to the reality of homelessness

Most people can’t imagine what it would be like to sleep rough on the streets, but this is the reality for hundreds of people in Perth each and every night.

Uniting WA is inviting people to experience the discomfort of homelessness for just one night.

Held from 1 to 9 August, the Uniting Virtual Sleepover allows people the experience virtual homelessness from home. It’s a chance to connect with friends, work colleagues and the community to feel what it’s like to sleep rough for a single night.

Social Impact

Heads of Churches call for more action on homelessness

The Heads of Churches WA, including Uniting Church WA Moderator Rev Steve Francis, have written to Hon Simone McGurk MLA thanking the Government for their commitments to reduce homelessness, and requesting more measures.

Social Impact

Re-Uniting WA

Amanda Hunt, CEO of Uniting WA, shares her hopes for a socially inclusive post-COVID world.

Social Impact

Uniting Church WA calls for no-one to be left behind in Refugee Week

During Refugee Week 2020, the Uniting Church Western Australia is calling on all levels of Government to do their part to make sure that refugees and people seeking asylum are not left behind amid the pressures of the COVID-19 crisis.

Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA said, “It has been so encouraging to see the caring spirit of our communities and our politicians as they put aside traditional divides to make sure we all get through this COVID-19 crisis.