Stories & Feature Articles

From the Archives: World War One Chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary of the year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive has published a series of articles highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served in WWI. This is the final in the series.

Rev Milton Maley was born in South Australia in 1880 and came to Western Australia to begin his probation as a Methodist minister in 1908. From then until his ordination in 1912, he served as a home missionary in Kellerberrin, Wagin Mt Magnet, Meekatharra and Brookton.

In 1915, he was appointed chaplain to the AIF on 25 September 1915 and spent four years abroad with the 5th Light Horse Regiment.

News & Announcements

From the Archives: World War I chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary of the year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive will be publishing a series of articles highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served in WWI.

Rev William Floyd Shannon OBE BE BA was born on 16 April 1872 in Armagh NI and was educated at the Royal University, Ireland. In 1902, he was inducted into the Presbyterian charge at  Leederville WA and also served in Helena Vale, Geraldton and Maylands.

On 20 September 1915, he joined the Australian Army as chaplain colonel, senior Presbyterian chaplain and on 1 November 1915, he sailed to France on the HMAT Benalla A24. William served  continually in France until 1919 when he was appointed senior chaplain for the Australian forces at their headquarters in London. In 1919, he received the Order of the British Empire for services  rendered.

Stories & Feature Articles

From the Archives: World War I chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive will be publishing a series of articles highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served  in WWI.

Rev Eric Hans Orton Nye was born on the 18 May 1896 in Victoria. In 1915, Rev Nye and his wife moved to Narrogin Methodist Church. On 16 July 1916, he enlisted in the Australian Army as a  chaplain and sailed to the United Kingdom and France on the HMAT Miltiades A28 on the 9 August 1916. He saw service in France on the Somme until his return to Australia on 13 March  1918.

On the night of the 16–17 of October 1917, he was responsible for the rescue of RMO Major NJ Bullen and was awarded the Military Cross. On his return to Western Australia, Eric continued his  ministry in Bridgetown, Claremont, West Perth and Fremantle. In 1937, he returned to Victoria and continued in ministry until 1954.

Rev Eric Hans Orton Nye died on 9 January 1968.

Sheena Hesse

News & Announcements

From the Archives: World War I chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive will be publishing a series of articles highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served  in WWI.

Rev Arthur Fry was born in South Australia in 1864 and was ordained into the Methodist church in 1887. He transferred to Western Australia in 1894 and was sent to York. After three years in  York he served in Coolgardie, Geraldton, Perth and West Perth.

In 1911 he was appointed secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, a post he held for 16 Years. On 6 October 1916, at the age of 51, Rev Arthur Stephen Joyce Fry joined the Australian  Army as a military chaplain. He sailed to England as a transport chaplain on the HMAT Suffolk.

Stories & Feature Articles

From the Archives: World War I chaplains

Throughout 2015, to mark the centenary year of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, Revive will be publishing a series of articles  highlighting the men who provided chaplaincy to those who served in WW1.

Rev Charles Jenkins was born in Maldon Victoria 1869 and arrived in Western Australia in 1896 to become the assistant to  the Rev Dr Rowe of the Perth Circuit. On the completion of his term in Perth he moved through the country areas of WA as a much loved pastor to the people.

Charles, a Methodist minister, was commissioned on 20 January 1915 and sailed on the troopship HMAT Itonus doing duty  as a transport Chaplain for the voyage only. He returned to Australia three months later.