Stories & Feature Articles

Busselton shines a virtual light

With worship services in WA closing due to COVID-19, churches are in a new (to some) space of keeping connected. Physical distancing is vital to lowering the impact of this virus, and thus needs to be taken seriously.

In good news, physically distancing does not have to mean socially isolating ourselves. In fact, with modern technology we can be more socially connected than ever, with an increase in online activity.

Busselton Uniting Church have been one of many to take up this opportunity, offering online resources for families or individuals to use while we are all practising physical distancing. Each Friday, Rev Andrew Broadbent, Minister at Busselton Uniting Church, will upload a video message and an accompanying PDF resource with prayers, reflection questions and links to traditional and contemporary music.

News & Announcements

Coronavirus updates

The health, safety and wellbeing of Uniting Church members as well as the wider community is front and centre of everything we do.

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we at the Uniting Church WA are adapting and responding to the global pandemic while adhering to the latest Government advice.

The Uniting Church WA website has gathered some information to provide much-needed certainty and hopefully some reassurance, during this most uncertain time. You can access the information, including updates, prayers, reflections, ideas for digital ministry and important links here.

Stories & Feature Articles

Love in a time of Coronavirus

We have all seen or heard the stories. Maybe we have told some ourselves? I certainly have. “It was unbelievable at the shops! Empty shelves everywhere, the carpark was a nightmare!”

As inconvenient and even stressful as this is, there are of course impacts for some people that are harder to see in the struggle to adapt to the impacts of COVID-19. Many of us know people who are immuno-compromised, have an existing medical condition or are simply in an older age bracket that is more vulnerable to the virus.