Education & Training

Help shape a new intern program for WA

The Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL) is inviting young adults in the Uniting Church WA to take part in a survey exploring a yearlong intern program.

In researching an intern program in WA, Dr Elaine Ledgerwood, Presbytery Minister Education and Training, has reached out to other Uniting Church Synods and reviewed their material. She is now asking interested WA
people, including parents, youth leaders and ministers, about what they might like included in a WA based program.

Education & Training

Celebrating education and formation

The Uniting Church WA held a worship service last night, Tuesday 13 November, to celebrate education and formation throughout the year. Dr Elaine Ledgerwood was also commissioned as the new Presbytery Minister Education and Training, and a Closure of Placement Service was held for Rev Dr John Squires. John has been the Director of Education and Formation with the Uniting Church WA for the past two years.

The service was led by Rev Lorraine Stokes, Chair of the Presbytery of WA, and reflections were offered by Rev Bev Fabb, Chair of the Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL). It was held at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church.


Education & Training

VET training brings hope to Christian education

Dr Elaine Ledgerwood began her new role at the Uniting Church Centre in August as Presbytery Minister Education and Training.

Elaine will be working in the VET sector (Vocational Education and Training), helping people gain a Certificate 4 in Christian Life and Ministry. Initially, this will be through the Adelaide College of Divinity, tailored to suit the Uniting Church WA. The course is aimed at people who want to explore and deepen their Christian faith, as well as those who want accreditation as a lay preacher.

Education & Training

Geraldton Chaplains to hit the streets

On Saturday 23 June, Lighthouse Church in Geraldton hosted the first training day for 18 new recruits to Geraldton Street Chaplaincy. These Christians were drawn from churches across Geraldton and experienced a day of stories, training, visual information and inspiration about the ministry of Street Chaplaincy; which connects Chaplains with those who are in need on the streets.

This initiative is new to Geraldton, but at a recent Ministers Fellowship meeting we heard from the Police Officer in charge about how local Police would welcome Christian churches to initiate a Street Chaplaincy team here in our city.  The Police have witnessed the effectiveness of Street Chaplains in bringing ‘light’ to the streets of various cities and towns in WA already including Northbridge, Fremantle, Albany, Mandurah and Kununurra.   

Education & Training

Education and Formation commencement: Beckoned to change

A Commencement Service to mark the beginning of the year for Education and Formation within the Perth Theological Hall was held on Friday night, 23 February. The Induction of Rev Dr Anne Wright and Rev Emma Matthews as Presbytery of WA Ministers, Formation and Discipleship, was also held during the service. Anne and Emma will provide education, training and leadership for the formation of candidates and for the equipping  of disciples for ministry and mission in the contemporary context of the church in WA.

Rev Dr John Squires, Director of Education and Formation for the Uniting Church WA, led a reflection on changes taking place in theological education.


Summer Spirit: Being a different church

What do cheerleaders, waterholes, and evaporative air-conditioners have in common? They could be models of being Church in the 21st century!

To explore how the church could change and still be faithful in a different world, Rev Lindsay Cullen, Uniting Church National Consultant, suggested that Christians would need to “think different” and “act different.” Speaking at this year’s Summer Spirit, Lindsay presented several ways of seeing the world, others, and the task of being Christian at a time when the church as we know it is collapsing and the world around is mystified about Christianity.

“We could be God’s cheerleaders, looking for where God is working in the world and calling others to join in,” suggested Lindsay.

Instead of thinking of mission as something the church does, Christians could revisit the idea of missio dei, or God’s mission. Rather than seeing the world as a threatening place, we could view it as a place where God is in action.


A new church of humility

Summer Spirit, a Uniting Church WA event, will be held on Saturday 17 February at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church. This year, the event will explore ‘A  different church for a different world,’ in response to the Uniting Church WA’s new Strategic Plan.

Rev Lindsay Cullen, one of the new National Consultants in the Assembly Resourcing Unit of the Uniting Church in Australia, will be sharing his thoughts and expertise on how the Uniting Church WA can become that different church at this year’s Summer Spirit.

The world has indeed changed a lot over the last 40 to 50 years. Lindsay explained that in the Western World, the church has gone from having a strong  voice in the community, to now having a voice more on the margins.

“I think we see all around us that the world is constantly changing. And in particular, in the last 40 or 50 years, we’ve seen not only the changing of western societies, but also the changing place of the church in society,” he said. “In the past, the church was seen as one of the central pillars of society and a natural place where people congregated and where people would turn for spiritual sustenance or to ask big questions of life. I think, we’re seeing very clearly, that is changing and shifting and the church finds itself much more on the margins of society.

Education & Training

Uniting leaders growing the church

Uniting Leaders 2017 (UL17) is a conference providing opportunities for Uniting Church members to grow in their leadership skills and connect with other church leaders who are passionate about evangelism, mission and growing the church.

Geared towards all lay and ordained leaders in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, it is also the second President’s National Minsters Conference for 2017. It will be held at Hope Valley  Uniting Church in Adelaide from Tuesday 22 to Thursday 24 August. UL17 will feature worship, keynote addresses and workshops with guest speakers, and opportunities for peer learning, networking and connecting with others in church leadership.

Education & Training

5 ways to refresh and energise your congregation

Rev Dr John Squires and Rev Elizabeth Raine were the keynote speakers at this year’s Summer Spirit, held at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church in February. They led guests through discussions around ‘new ways of being church.’ Reminding us that “change only takes place at the edge of chaos,” John and Elizabeth shared with ‘Revive’ ways in which local congregations can refresh and energise their church.

Education & Training

A home away from home

During Easter, we often reflect on ‘new life’ or ‘new beginnings.’ At Trinity Residential College, a Uniting Church WA college for university students in Perth, staff and students are all too familiar with the stress and excitement that a new beginning can offer.

Trinity Residential College is located across the road from the University of Western Australia, and provides accommodation for students studying at any university in Perth.

Hayley Winchcombe and Ben Perry are resident advisors at Trinity College. This means they live and study at the college and, having spent a few years there, are now working as advisors to new   students who are just coming in. They help new residents with any queries that might come up, from how to use the airconditioner, to where they can buy a sim card for their phones. They know  all too well how hard it can be to adjust to this kind of change; moving away from home, family, friends and high school, to a new city and a new self-determined study routine.

Hayley moved to Trinity from Dunsborough to study French, and politics and international relations. Ben hails from Albany and is studying psychology. They both said that activities organised  during ‘O Week’ or Orientation Week, were important for building their new life at Trinity.