News & Announcements

Ministry to fire affected communities

The Uniting Church community in South Australia has banded together to support those experiencing hardship and loss  from the bushfires across the Adelaide Hills. With 32 homes destroyed, the physical impact is clear. The emotional hardship  is not so visible, and the recovery process for those who have lost their homes will be long and difficult.

Relief and outreach centres have been opened around the fire zone to assist the recovery by providing practical help  through chaplaincy and pastoral support. Local residents are coming together in their time of need at the Golden Grove  Relief Centre and the One Tree Hill Institute, where chaplains are on the ground.

National Disaster Recovery Officer of the Uniting Church, Rev Dr Stephen Robinson, emphasised the need for support long   after the bushfires have been put out.

“The recovery is just starting for people who lost their homes in the bushfires, there’s still a long way to go,” said Stephen.

Stephen encouraged people to make a donation to the National Disaster Relief Fund, which assists in providing services such as counselling and pastoral care. Previous initiatives resourced by the National Disaster Relief Fund have enabled  local congregations to host school holiday programs and offer counselling, also providing practical relief from hardship.

The Uniting Church in Australia encourages its members to extend their thoughts and prayers to all affected at this difficult  time. To donate to the National Disaster Relief Fund call 1800 772 851 or visit relief-fund/.

The South Australian Synod is also calling for donations to the Bushfire Relief SA 2015 appeal at All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.