News & Announcements

Set your hearts on fire: childrens’ choir forms for Assembly

Coming up in July, the Uniting Church in Australia will hold its national meeting, the 14th Triennial Assembly, which is held over a whole week, but only once every three years. Members of the  Uniting Church from all over Australia come together to discern with each other, and with God, on the future of the church until the next meeting. The theme for this year’s meeting is  ‘Hearts on fire.’

At the opening service of this event, on Sunday 12 July, children from Uniting Church in WA congregations and schools are invited to take part. This is a fantastic opportunity for young people  to be involved in this important meeting. The opening service will also include the installation of the new president of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, and it will be held at  Scotch College in Swanbourne.

A children’s choir will be performing on the night, and children from across WA are invited to join in. The choir will be performing one song, and singing another one from the stage with the  congregation. There will be two rehearsals before the big event, plus a run-through before the service starts, so everyone involved will know exactly how it’s all going to work. Kids from rural  areas who want to take part are invited to get in contact with organisers to possibly arrange an alternative time and venue for rehearsals.

Rev Cathie Lambert, leader of the Assembly 2015 Worship Team, said that she wants to involve children in the service so that it is as representative of the Uniting Church in Australia as  possible. It’s also a great opportunity for kids to learn more about their church.

“It’s a way of getting the kids involved and helping them to see what the wider church is doing. Quite often they only get to see what’s happening in their congregation or at Kids’ Camp Out  (KCO),” Cathie said. “It will be fun. And it’s a great way of meeting other kids from around WA and the church. Also I think it will be a great way for them to see people from all over Australia  who have come for Assembly.”


For more information and to join the choir contact Rev Cathie Lambert on 0448 730 355, email or register online at

Practice singing these songs at home using the following YouTube links.