News & Announcements

Students grapple the big issues

Now in its fourth year, the One World WonTok Youth Conference uses a series of hands-on activities to engage students from Uniting Church and Anglican schools in complex issues of poverty  and development.

This year, students created solar cookers from South Sudan, played an interactive computer game on farming in developing countries, lived a precarious existence in the fictitious Tie Islands, brainstormed a sanitation project in rural Papua New Guinea and grappled with the complexities of universal education. The students also met with Gideon Bustamante, a project officer from  the Anglican Board of Mission’s church partner in the Philippines; and young volunteer, Alex Baker, who shared his recent UnitingWorld volunteering experiences in the Solomon Islands and North India.

The One World Wontok Conference is a unique collaboration between the Anglican Board of Mission and UnitingWorld. The conference ran from 28 April–8 May, visiting Anglican and Uniting Church schools in the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne.

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