Stories & Feature Articles

Busselton living life to the full

Busselton Uniting Church held its inaugural Christmas Carols BBQ in December 19 and, given the response, it seems set to become an annual event.

A major focus for our church this year has been to better integrate the various parts of our church family, and the carols gathering showed we are on the right track. The 100-plus crowd consisted of Sunday morning regulars, Messy Church and Boppin Totts families, plus volunteers and friends from our various outreach activities (community café and op shop.)

As the sausages sizzled, Rev Brenton Prigge, First Third specialist for the South West Region, told the Christmas story, even using some of the children as live ‘props.’ Each part of the story was interspersed with carols, led by a band of young people from church.

Jesus came that we might have life to the full (John 10:10) and it’s that life we want people in our local community to experience. Integrating our church’s various activities is so important; providing opportunities for physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. To see different parts of our church family mingling and working together at our carols was very exciting and hopefully an indicator of things to come.

Top image: Busselton Uniting Church enjoyed a visit from Santa at their Christmas Carols BBQ

Andy Broadbent