News & Announcements

Preparing to go and spread the word

To a packed and joyous congregation, Rev Kim Francis was inducted into Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church on Sunday 7 February. Kim was ordained as a deacon on 18 October 2015.

For 19 years, Kim has worked as the children and family co-ordinator at Nedlands Uniting Church; running kids clubs, play groups, a family worship service as well as the children’s program during their Chinese English bilingual service. Prior to working with the Nedlands congregation, Kim worked as a maths teacher.

During her 7 years of candidating for ministry, Kim held placements at Juniper, Uniting Church in the City, Ross Memorial West Perth, Trinity School for Seniors and with the Uniting Church WA Social Justice Unit.

Rev Steve Francis, moderator of the Uniting Church WA, and also Kim’s husband, preached at the service on discipleship as an apprenticeship in the school of Jesus.

“The call is two-fold,” Steve said. “It is to be a disciple of Jesus and to disciple others. And we see that most clearly in the words of Matthew, often referred to as ‘the Great Commission’.”

Steve encouraged the congregation to not let the Great Commission – Jesus’ calling to spread his teachings across the world – to become the Great Omission.

“If we’re to take this on board, to be disciples of Jesus and to teach others of his ways, we have to give all,” Steve said. “And in a sense, Kim, that’s what you’re reaffirming today.”

“Jesus said go. Go to the ends of the Earth.

“Are you a go-er?” Steve asked the congregation. “Are you prepared to go? It might be across the room, it might be across the street.

“Kim’s a go-er, that’s why she’s here. She wants to be part of a congregation that doesn’t just stay in comfort, but prompted by the Spirit, goes.”

“When we sign up to be disciples, God’s spirit – the spirit of Christ – is very close to us.

“Kim, as you are faithful to your call, as you live day by day with Jesus Christ as your CEO, that promise will be with you. You will know that Christ will be with you to the end of the age.”

Kim said that she is looking forward to this new step on her journey with God, walking alongside the people of Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church and the local community. She is especially hoping to focus her time on intergenerational worship, music and community outreach.

“I do believe that today the call on my life by Jesus Christ has been fulfilled,” she said. “I thank family and friends who have helped me along the study and ministry journey.

“It is my prayer that god will strengthen and enable me to work alongside the people of the Maylands Mt Lawley community and church so that the kingdom of God and the Christian community in this area may deepen and grow.”