Education & Training

Enthusiasm and hope for education and formation

Rev Dr John Squires was inducted into the role of director of Education and Formation in the Uniting Church WA, on Friday 24 February at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth. John’s role also includes being the principal of the Perth Theological Hall (PTH).

The service also celebrated the commencement of PTH.

John was ordained as a minister of the Word in 1980, since serving in a wide variety of placements. He has served in city and rural congregations, and as the vice principal at the United Theological College, Sydney.

As well as having published articles and book chapters on a range of topics, John has also completed doctorate study at Yale University in the USA, and has been a research scholar at Durham University and the University of Cambridge in the UK. He has also been the associate head of campus at Charles Sturt University.

Rev David de Kock, general secretary of the Uniting Church WA preached at the service.

In his response, John acknowledged the local Nyungar people and shared that Australians have a lot to learn from our Indigenous people in the areas of caring for country, honouring the land and welcoming the stranger.

He then recited the words agreed to at the 2009 Synod which established the Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL) and said he has enthusiasm and hope for his new role.