Social Impact

Apology Day: ten years on

On Tuesday 13 February UnitingCare West teams came together at their respective sites to acknowledge the 10th Anniversary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations.

Apology Day was marked by UnitingCare West service centres in Victoria Park, Perth inner city, Fremantle, Inglewood, Merriwa and Subiaco, with teams coming together over morning tea to share their reflections and feelings about the Apology. It was also an opportunity to hear stories from those affected by the Stolen Generations policies, including Ann and Kevin from Kinship Connections Aboriginal Corporation.

It was an emotional day of sharing, leaving UnitingCare West staff with hope for moving towards a more just, equitable and reconciled WA.

Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA and Geoff Bice, Social Justice Consultant at the Uniting Church WA, both attended the event at UnitingCare West’s Victoria Park centre, which was organised by Josey Hansen, Cultural Architect at UnitingCare West.

Geoff also attended an Apology Day event in Perth’s Cultural Centre which was hosted by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries in partnership with Yokai (Healing our Spirit) and Yorgum Aboriginal Corporation.

Speakers included Jim Morrison, Executive Director of Bringing Them Home WA, the Hon Ben Wyatt Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and a Welcome to Country from Dr Richard Walley.

Read Ben Wyatt’s statement here.