News & Announcements

Retired ministers are all ears

Assembled for fellowship at Rowethorpe Uniting Church recently, about forty retired ministers and spouses heard Vaughan Harding, Chief Executive of Juniper, a Uniting Church WA aged care provider, outline present trends in an ageing population, government initiatives in facing these challenges, and the ways that not-for-profit agencies like Juniper are accepting the task of planning for the future needs of our senior citizens.

Vaughan, who will retire later this year after 29 years with Juniper, drew attention to practical issues facing ageing people who wish to relocate, and in particular the financial issues of entering an aged care facility.

“Shop around,” he said, “and there are qualified staff at Juniper who can give useful advice.”

Rev Dr Alison Longworth, who led the worship, told of the vibrant congregation who meet in the Pioneer Chapel at Rowethorpe. Although soon to be demolished as part of a new building venture, it will be replaced by a larger chapel more suited to the needs of elderly people. Stained glass windows and other unique features will be relocated in the new worship centre.

The Retired Ministers Fellowship meets on four occasions each year to enjoy interaction and stimulation. The next such meeting will be held on Thursday 14 June at St Aidan’s Uniting Church Claremont. Mark it in your diary now as an opportunity to hear Dr Scott Blackwell of Palliative Care Association WA and Rev Brian Carey, Uniting Church Minister and Ethicist speak on the unfinished debate on euthanasia.

Don Pederick