Stories & Feature Articles

Augusta gets creative

A group of five women started discussions in my home in February 2015 about starting up a creative recycling group.

The name, Creative Recycling Augusta, was decided on, and before long we began making shopping bags from recycled and some donated fabrics. The majority of the fabric was and still is sourced from local outlets such as the Lions and Red Cross. The group now meets at Augusta Uniting Church.

Stories & Feature Articles

15th Assembly theme: Abundant Grace, Liberating Hope

Newly installed President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Dr Deidre Palmer, outlines why she chose ‘Abundant Grace, Liberating Hope’ to be the 15th Triennial Assembly theme.

As the Uniting Church we have been greatly blessed by the abundant grace of God, calling us into being and shaping our life and mission.

For the 15th Triennial Assembly and the following three years, this theme, ‘Abundant Grace, Liberating Hope’ invites us to live by God’s abundant grace – reflecting God’s generous and overflowing love, in our relationships with one another, in our local community contexts and in our relationships in the wider world.

In a time where we could focus on scarcity – fewer people and less financial resources, God’s gift of abundant grace calls us to be a people who share our gifts, resources, time and energy generously. In a time where our world is overshadowed by violence, hatred and suspicion of the other, the church is called to live an alternative narrative of hope, reconciliation and love.

News & Announcements

Editorial: 15th Triennial Assembly

With the 15th Triennial Assembly Meeting of the Uniting Church recently held in Melbourne, this edition is jam-packed with news from the event. I didn’t attend myself, but as I watched along from home here in Perth I could see there was plenty of passion for the church in that meeting room.

Big news coming from the meeting which has gained a lot of attention is that Uniting Church ministers will be able to marry couples of the same gender if they wish to. Whatever your opinion on the issue, I think we can all agree that the Uniting Church has made history in Australia.

News & Announcements

Nature playground to land in South Perth

The South Perth Early Childhood Centre, at South Perth Uniting Church, is looking forward to a major upgrade of it’s outdoor playground, after receiving a $65 000 grant from Lotterywest.

Hon Kate Doust MLC, Member for the South Metropolitan Region, presented the grant this morning to Noelene Moir, Director of the South Perth Early Childhood Centre, and Ronni Naughton, Chair of the Management Committee.

Education & Training

Geraldton Chaplains to hit the streets

On Saturday 23 June, Lighthouse Church in Geraldton hosted the first training day for 18 new recruits to Geraldton Street Chaplaincy. These Christians were drawn from churches across Geraldton and experienced a day of stories, training, visual information and inspiration about the ministry of Street Chaplaincy; which connects Chaplains with those who are in need on the streets.

This initiative is new to Geraldton, but at a recent Ministers Fellowship meeting we heard from the Police Officer in charge about how local Police would welcome Christian churches to initiate a Street Chaplaincy team here in our city.  The Police have witnessed the effectiveness of Street Chaplains in bringing ‘light’ to the streets of various cities and towns in WA already including Northbridge, Fremantle, Albany, Mandurah and Kununurra.   

Social Impact

Unity of the Spirit

Most of us have probably had the experience of going through the security checks before boarding an aircraft. The routine goes something like, keys and coins out of pockets, belts off, laptop out of bag and all items placed in trays before they are x-rayed for any security risks.

I was recently at an airport going through this routine when out of the blue a security man looked at me and said, “What is the Uniting Church’s view on homosexuality and what is your personal view?”

He caught me completely off guard. Not wanting to hold up the queue or totally avoid the question, I said something like, “We are engaged in respectful conversations about this sensitive issue, and at this moment, I am not prepared to share with you my personal view.”

Stories & Feature Articles

Church installation at Toodyay Fibre Festival

If you are looking for a quiet life in retirement, don‘t move to the country. However, if you wish to be part of the community you live in there is no better place to live than a small rural town.

Toodyay is such a place.

During the year in Toodyay there are four major festivals plus a monthly Farmers Market, and then of course there are four churches and numerous clubs which you can join.

A casual comment was made one Sunday that perhaps Toodyay Uniting Church could think about contributing to the displays at the upcoming Fibre Festival, which was held recently in June.

News & Announcements

Grace in abundance, hope liberated

Members of the Uniting Church’s 15th Triennial Assembly have returned home to share the news of the landmark decisions made at the meeting.

Over seven days, from Sunday 8 to Saturday 14 July, more than 260 Assembly members shared prayer, worship and Bible studies with ecumenical and interfaith friends, church partners and each other. Dr Deidre Palmer, past Moderator of the Uniting Church South Australia, was installed as the Uniting Church’s 15th President in a joyous service before shepherding a meeting in which Assembly members voiced a wide range of strongly and faithfully held views on a range of issues, from different biblical, theological and cultural perspectives.

Following are some of the important decisions reached.

News & Announcements

New Assembly role for Stuart McMillan

Ex-President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Stuart McMillan, will begin a new role with the National Assembly as Assembly Consultant Covenanting on 1 September.

Stuart will provide advice, support and leadership about honouring the church’s Covenant with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) to the Assembly and across the councils of the Uniting Church.

“Living out our Covenant between First and Second Peoples is a central part of our expression of our Christian faith in the Uniting Church in Australia, and at the Assembly we are committed to taking that seriously,” said Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer in announcing the appointment.