Social Impact

Kairos: reaching out to those impacted by the justice system

Kairos Prison Ministry Australia is an interdenominational International Christian ministry reaching out to incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them; to bring sustainable meaning and Christian hope in the place of loneliness, isolation and despair.

Kairos Inside is a three to five day short course run in the prisons and Kairos Outside is a weekend (free of charge to guests) for women who have been impacted by the justice system, including having had or still has a member of the family in prison.  The team provides a safe environment over a weekend where guests are given an opportunity to interact with other families without shame or judgement.

It is often said by those in prison “We do the crime, but the family does the time.”

Often the families, especially the women, are the forgotten victims of someone else’s crime. This is why Kairos Outside for Women (KOW) reaches out to the family and friends of inmates, saying ‘You are not alone.’

The community of KOW meets regularly throughout the year to support each other, and Kairos Inside participants are followed up with an ongoing ‘Journey’ program.  A study undertaken by Corrective Services NSW into the recidivism rate of  inmates who completed the Kairos Inside program showed a favourable result compared with the general recidivism rate.

Kairos grew out of the Walk to Emmaus Movement. People who have attended a Walk to Emmaus weekend are eligible to serve on team in the Kairos ministry. Kairos is active in WA, with a number of short courses inside Acacia Prison and the Kairos Outside Weekends are run annually.

The next KOW will be in Aug 2019 in Shoalwater.

Many Uniting Church people are involved in this ecumenical ministry to people who are often marginalised and ostracised by our society.

If you know someone who could benefit from this ministry or if you would like to be involved in serving on team, or if you would like to donate to this important yet often behind the screen ministry, email or Rev Narelle Collas on 93067191 or at

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