News & Announcements

Ministry with a fresh perspective

Rev Alison Gilchrist was Inducted as Presbytery Minister Mission for the Uniting Church WA on Friday night 26 October at Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church.

Rev Greg Ross, Chair of the Strategy and Mission Planning Committee, delivered the sermon, based on John 13: 31-35.

” Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognise that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.” – The Message

Greg describes a scene of Jesus and his disciples washing each other’s feet.

“What kind of emotions would have been in the air as one by one, Jesus kneels on the floor in front of each disciple,” he said.”One by one, the water of his love washes over the feet of each disciple.

“No one is left out. Not Judas. Not Peter. All are washed. All are loved.

“Tonight, Alison and all of us can hear and see and feel that call of Jesus afresh to us and for us,” Greg continued.

“As Alison renews her ordination promises and is inducted into this new ministry, she is saying yes once again to Jesus’ call to remove the shoes and socks of others and to receive their feet, their life, into her hands, and to wash. And to see and do life with Jesus in ministry with a fresh perspective.”

Alison, ordained in the Church of England, is working in the areas of congregation mission development, new and emerging mission development, and the revitalisation of missional ministry.

In her response during the Induction Service, Alison shared the quote: ‘The start of something new brings the hope of something great. Anything is possible.’ Author Unknown

“Friends old and new made the induction service a time to remember and a grace gift to reflect on from time to time, as I journey on in this great adventure with God. Many thanks to every one of you,” she said.