Education & Training

Alpha in the City

Uniting Church in the City (UCIC) is starting a new Alpha Course this February for people interested in exploring the Christian faith.

Anyone and everyone is invited to join UCIC in their lunchbreaks once-a-week to begin a journey together.

Kim Stanfield, the new Alpha Co-ordinator at UCIC, is running three courses over ten weeks: Tuesdays 12noon to 1.00pm at Wesley, Wednesdays 12noon to 1.00pm at Ross Memorial, and as part of the Trinity School for Seniors’ program.

She said the course aims to start conversations for people interested in the faith. New members are always welcome, however as the course is a journey, it is best for people to begin Alpha within the first three weeks.

“We want people who possibly are questioning, or have big questions and they’re looking for answers; we really want to be there and help them traverse this journey,” Kim said. “We’re not going to badger people, we want people to understand that they can ask anything and no question is disregarded, because everybody’s opinion is valued.”

People attending Alpha courses range from those curious about Christianity, to those who are searching for guidance in their lives. Kim said it’s also great to have committed Christians to take part as there is always something new to learn, especially from people with diverse backgrounds and opinions. Having participants at different stages in their faith journey generates interesting and in-depth discussion.

Most importantly, Alpha courses are a safe place to explore Christianity.

“If people are going to come along, we don’t want them to feel like their questions are too trivial. You’re going to be able to share and express what you want because no one is going to tell you  you’re wrong, we’re not here to do that. Your opinion is valued.

“[Varied opinions] generate a journey of conversation which is actually what you really want to do.”

For more information on Alpha in the City contact Kim on 0421 239 144, email or visit

Heather Dowling