News & Announcements

Commencement and Induction Service

A service celebrating the Commencement of the year for Education and Formation within the Perth Theological Hall, as well as the Induction of Rev Dr Anne Wright as Director of Education for the Uniting Church WA, was held on Friday night, 8 February, at Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church.

Mitchell Garlett from the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress gave a welcome to country, and musicians from Nedlands Uniting Church led the congregation in song.

Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, preached the message on keeping shape in a mission shaped church.

Anne responded to her Induction saying she felt this is where she is meant to be.

“The Uniting Church has a particular voice as Christians,” she said. “We need to stand together; empower and equip the next generation.”