Social Impact

Community gathers to hear experts on WA Gas and its Climate Impacts

Wednesday 28 August saw approximately 60 people gather at Nedlands Uniting Church to hear from key experts on WA Gas and its Climate Impacts. The event was co-hosted by the newly formed WA Chapter of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) and Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA).

Both groups are committed to advocating for climate action in a non-partisan manner, with a focus on evidence and ethical practice. The focus of the evening was on Western Australia’s contribution to global climate change, and the unique role our state can play in reducing greenhouse emissions.

Rev Steve Francis, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, agrees that this is an issue of key importance for our state.

“We can’t understate the urgency and scope of the situation we’re facing. The science shows us that it is indeed a climate crisis – and we as people of faith need to step out in courage, prayer and action in response,” he said.

Dr Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter, from Climate Analytics, showed how Western Australia’s domestic gas reserve emissions are considerably higher than what is necessary to meet our obligations under the Paris Agreement. As DEA representative Dr George Crisp explained, failure to meet the Paris targets would have broad ranging impacts on public health outcomes, contributing to widening social inequalities.

However, Dr Fuentes Hutfilter also demonstrated how WA is uniquely positioned to become a leading exporter of renewable energy, owing to its geographical characteristics and skilled workforce.

Geoff Bice, ARRCC WA Interim Management Committee Member, said it was a great and informative event.

“It was pleasing to see people from across our community come together to discuss this important issue – people of different faiths and their leaders, community activists, medical professionals and concerned citizens,” he said.

“Our concern about climate change and its human impacts is what we have in common. ARRCC looks forward to continuing to bring people together to encourage political and industry leaders to take necessary action.”

To find out more about ARRCC visit the ARRCC WA Facebook page or contact the Social Justice Unit: