Stories & Feature Articles

Caring Hands craft intergenerational connections

More than 80 people gathered at Beldon Uniting Church for an intergenerational Seniors’ Morning Tea in November. Organised by the Caring Hands group of the church, guests were invited from various aged care residential sites, and treated to a range of entertainment.

Children from the Beldon Early Learning Centre, an outreach of Beldon Uniting Church, performed a selection of nursery rhymes, and children from the local Beldon Primary School performed  some drumming. The school is located across the road from the church and they share a relationship through the school chaplain. A local ukulele group also performed.

Margaret Bizzell, lead organiser of the event, said the Seniors’ Morning Tea went so well that they will probably make it an annual event. It was a great way to reach out into the community, and  to give some older people a fun day out meeting others.

It was also a great intergenerational event for those living in aged care to connect with children.

“The place was packed. It was lovely,” Margaret said. “We had people from age 3 to 99 there all enjoying fellowship together and having a lovely time. It was so special.

“The older people, a lot of them are in care homes. They don’t see grandchildren, so having the little ones come along, it’s really special for them.

“I’m passionate about working in the community and getting people from the community into the building,” Margaret said.

Each guest received a gift as they left of a packet of tissues wrapped in a handkerchief, with a short message. The gifts were made by the Caring Hands group.

Caring Hands, who initiated the Seniors Morning Tea, meets fortnightly on Fridays, from 10.00am to 12.30pm at the church. They craft items for dementia patients and special needs children, as well as making small hearts for the chaplain at Beldon Primary School to hand out to kids who may need some support that day. They also support each other and have grown great friendships.

“As well as providing a valuable service to the community, the group acts as support for the members themselves,” Margaret said. “When they get together they can share worries, problems and a good laugh, as well as admiring all the creations that have been brought into the meetings.

“It’s great therapy for all concerned and the kettle is always on.”

Find out more about the Caring Hands group at

Heather Dowling