Stories & Feature Articles

Donnybrook residents take a stroll around the ‘stations’

While people can’t physically gather for worship this Easter, Rev Gordon Scantlebury, Rural Resource Minister for the Uniting Church WA, has found a way to connect with his local township of Donnybrook over the long weekend – and share the hope of Easter.

Using the guidance of the Stations of the Cross, Gordon has placed a poster for each station along a popular walkway in Donnybrook, inviting people to ponder each station as they are physically distancing themselves. Each poster contains a Bible verse, an image, and a thought or prayer for reflection.

The posters were displayed from Maundy Thursday afternoon, 9 April, and will stay until Saturday night. On Sunday morning, new posters will celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Gordon said he is hoping the whole community will find some meaning in the ‘stations’.

“The idea was to make this accessible to people outside of the church, so very open and relevant to current situations regarding COVID-19,” he said.

“The idea is that people can have an added reflection on their morning walk. I am also contacting local churches to let them know it is there and could be used by their members if they wish.”

Heather Dowling