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Uniting Church celebrated Worship Together

A special Pentecost Sunday service was held yesterday, which aimed to bring together Uniting Church members from all generations and cultures.

It was the end of an era for Rev David De Kock, who gave his last sermon as General Secretary of the Synod of Western Australia before he retires on 31 May.

David spoke with passion about the need for revival in our world and church.

“I want us to focus on revival because if we don’t the church will continue to decline to nothing,” he said. “We can make all the plans we like, but if we don’t have the fire of God our plans are worthless.

“If we want revival, for God to come near to us again, our faith in our saviour as redeemer of sin and the giver of life should be firmly established in everything we do.

“In every aspect of our life, in public, in church and in private we should ask ourselves, “How would Jesus react to this?”

The service, which was held at Penhros College’s Rixon Theatre, was hosted by Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Synod of Western Australia.

Candidate for Ministry and Noongar man Mitchell Garlett welcomed us to country and worship was led by an intergenerational band.

Bible readings from 1 Kings 18:1-39 and John 20: 19-23 were read by Kalo Fotu, Alison McCubbin and Kelemete Robertson.

The sharing of communion and reading of the benediction brought us to the end of the service, which was followed by a sausage sizzle dinner and cupcakes.

If you’d like to watch the livestream of the service, click here.

Mikaela Turner