Education & Training

Education and Formation commencement: Beckoned to change

A Commencement Service to mark the beginning of the year for Education and Formation within the Perth Theological Hall was held on Friday night, 23 February. The Induction of Rev Dr Anne Wright and Rev Emma Matthews as Presbytery of WA Ministers, Formation and Discipleship, was also held during the service. Anne and Emma will provide education, training and leadership for the formation of candidates and for the equipping  of disciples for ministry and mission in the contemporary context of the church in WA.

Rev Dr John Squires, Director of Education and Formation for the Uniting Church WA, led a reflection on changes taking place in theological education.

Education & Training

Uniting leaders growing the church

Uniting Leaders 2017 (UL17) is a conference providing opportunities for Uniting Church members to grow in their leadership skills and connect with other church leaders who are passionate about evangelism, mission and growing the church.

Geared towards all lay and ordained leaders in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, it is also the second President’s National Minsters Conference for 2017. It will be held at Hope Valley  Uniting Church in Adelaide from Tuesday 22 to Thursday 24 August. UL17 will feature worship, keynote addresses and workshops with guest speakers, and opportunities for peer learning, networking and connecting with others in church leadership.

Education & Training

5 ways to refresh and energise your congregation

Rev Dr John Squires and Rev Elizabeth Raine were the keynote speakers at this year’s Summer Spirit, held at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church in February. They led guests through discussions around ‘new ways of being church.’ Reminding us that “change only takes place at the edge of chaos,” John and Elizabeth shared with ‘Revive’ ways in which local congregations can refresh and energise their church.

Education & Training

A home away from home

During Easter, we often reflect on ‘new life’ or ‘new beginnings.’ At Trinity Residential College, a Uniting Church WA college for university students in Perth, staff and students are all too familiar with the stress and excitement that a new beginning can offer.

Trinity Residential College is located across the road from the University of Western Australia, and provides accommodation for students studying at any university in Perth.

Hayley Winchcombe and Ben Perry are resident advisors at Trinity College. This means they live and study at the college and, having spent a few years there, are now working as advisors to new   students who are just coming in. They help new residents with any queries that might come up, from how to use the airconditioner, to where they can buy a sim card for their phones. They know  all too well how hard it can be to adjust to this kind of change; moving away from home, family, friends and high school, to a new city and a new self-determined study routine.

Hayley moved to Trinity from Dunsborough to study French, and politics and international relations. Ben hails from Albany and is studying psychology. They both said that activities organised  during ‘O Week’ or Orientation Week, were important for building their new life at Trinity.

Education & Training

Enthusiasm and hope for education and formation

Rev Dr John Squires was inducted into the role of director of Education and Formation in the Uniting Church WA, on Friday 24 February at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth. John’s role also includes being the principal of the Perth Theological Hall (PTH).

The service also celebrated the commencement of PTH.

John was ordained as a minister of the Word in 1980, since serving in a wide variety of placements. He has served in city and rural congregations, and as the vice principal at the United Theological College, Sydney.

As well as having published articles and book chapters on a range of topics, John has also completed doctorate study at Yale University in the USA, and has been a research scholar at Durham University and the University of Cambridge in the UK. He has also been the associate head of campus at Charles Sturt University.

Rev David de Kock, general secretary of the Uniting Church WA preached at the service.

In his response, John acknowledged the local Nyungar people and shared that Australians have a lot to learn from our Indigenous people in the areas of caring for country, honouring the land and welcoming the stranger.

He then recited the words agreed to at the 2009 Synod which established the Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL) and said he has enthusiasm and hope for his new role.

Education & Training

Inspiration to connect

summer-spiritRev Dr John Squires and Rev Elizabeth Raine will be the keynote speakers at next year’s Summer Spirit. John is also the new director of education and formation for the Uniting Church WA, and will take up his role in February 2017.

John and Elizabeth have a passion for doing church in new ways, and have spent much of their recent ministry helping churches creatively connect with their communities. John is currently in a placement with Wauchope and District Uniting Church, NSW, and Elizabeth is serving an Intentional Ministry Placement in Canberra. They have also worked in shared placements, including as Presbytery ministers with the Mid North Coast Presbytery of the Uniting Church NSW/ACT, encouraging others in engaging and new ministry.

With the Summer Spirit theme of ‘Being church in new ways,’ John and Elizabeth will share their knowledge and experience of these ministries, much of which has been spent encouraging congregations to experiment with different ways of connecting with their communities. John said this has happened in various ways, such as community gardens, projects with local schools,  Messy Church, community markets and a nonreligious youth group.

Education & Training

A lesson in fruitfulness for Candidates for Ministry

The service for the commencement of the academic year for candidates for ministry at Perth Theological Hall was held at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley last Thursday 25 February.

The intimate service began with Rev Craig Collas acknowledging the Nyungar heritage of the land on which the service was held, followed by a call to worship from Psalm 63 and the voices of the attendees rising in worship through the historic rafters of Wesley Church.

After the singing of worship and a prayer of praise and confession, the candidates were brought forward to be prayed for by Craig and Rev Prof Bill Loader. The candidates present were Justine Wall, Paul Montague, Sophie Lizares-Bodegon and Judy Sanderson; Reuben Edmonds joined the candidates on stage for prayer as he enters his period of discernment.

Education & Training

Passing the Baton: be inspired

Passing the Baton is a training day and expo for people working in children’s ministry. It is a chance to be inspired in ministry, network with others in the field and learn about new resources relevant to the role. It’s a great way to be refreshed and to renew a commitment to children’s ministry and is suitable for anyone involved with Sunday school, kids clubs, YouthCARE, family camps, holiday programs or children’s outreach services.

Tammy Tolman will be the keynote speaker at Passing the Baton this year. She has been training children’s ministry leaders for around 20 years around the world and has also written training modules and a range of worship music.

Education & Training

A God who speaks

God speaks to us through the words of Scripture, as we celebrate the sacraments, as we open ourselves to God in prayer or worship, as we engage in the world around us, through the words of friend and stranger and the voice of the church.

Sometimes God’s word is one of comfort or encouragement, forgiveness or hope. Sometimes God’s word challenges us out of our comfort zone and leads us in new directions.

Through the ages, God has called people to particular responsibilities. God called Moses through a burning bush to set God’s people free from slavery. God called Isaiah as he was worshipping in the temple to speak God’s word as a prophet. Jesus called fishermen and tax collectors to join in his mission in the world. Jesus called Paul on the road to Damascus to become apostle to the Gentiles. To all of these people, responding to God’s call took them in new and unexpected directions in life.

God still calls today. Each disciple is called to a particular ministry which builds up the body of Christ and serves God’s people and the whole of creation. Because each of us has distinctive gifts, the particular ministry God calls us to will differ, but all ministries are part of the ministry of Christ.

Education & Training

Summer Spirit: Growing in discipleship

Craig Mitchell’s workshop at Summer Spirit in February was both inspirational and entertaining. Craig is the national director of Formation, Education and Discipleship for the Uniting Church  in Australia.

His two sessions looked at congregations as learning communities and mission-shaped discipleship. Effective ministry leadership was about building relationships both within the congregation  and in the larger community. Examples of how to do this were shown in video clips from a Formation, Education and Discipleship (FED) study: Creative thinking was necessary even when it  challenged people’s comfort zones. I liked the example given of a minister who shook up his Church Council meeting by hiring a bus and taking them all to dinner in a city restaurant. They had a  bird’s eye view of the casino carpark and the minister challenged them to think about how to get the church carpark just as full.