News & Announcements

Boost for aged care services in Wyndham

Local residential and community aged care provider Juniper, a Uniting Church WA agency, has successfully secured a $350 000 Commonwealth grant to help deliver much needed additional accommodation and services in Wyndham.

“Regional Western Australia, particularly the Kimberley, is an area of great need for quality aged care services and we’re very grateful to receive grant funding that will go a long way to establish staff housing for the Juniper Marlgu service,” Chris Hall, CEO of Juniper, said.

News & Announcements

Vale Peter Thomson

Peter Thomson, who passed away on 18 January 2019, was a significant contributor to the life of the Uniting Church WA over a long period.

Peter’s contribution has been many, varied and consistent. Parish Secretary, Church Councillor, Trustee member, Secretary Presbytery, Synod Standing Committee, Chairperson Synod Property Board and member of Synod Resources Board to name a few.

News & Announcements

Valued Ministry at RPH

Rev Ken Devereux, Chaplain Pastoral Care Services at Royal Perth Bentley Group, shares his thanks for Rev Margaret Smithson and her
many years of ministry at Royal Perth Hospital.

Sitting in the audience at the October Graduation for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Interns at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH), Rev Margaret Smithson was reminded of her long involvement in the field of pastoral care.

News & Announcements

Register now for the Messy Church camp

The Messy Church Summer Holiday Family Camp will be held from Friday 4 to Monday 21 January at the Uniting Church Campsite, Busselton. Groups, large and small, are invited to share some or all of this time with Messy Church families from right across Australia.

Messy Church is a monthly service aimed at families who might not feel comfortable in a traditional worship service. It involves music, craft, prayers and a meal shared together.

News & Announcements

Sharing God’s love through the Christmas Bowl

“The love of Christ can be made more vivid through Australian Christian concern, on Christmas day, the one great day of sharing.”   Rev Frank Byatt, founder of the Christmas Bowl c. 1956

As Christians, we are called respond to, and faithfully live out, the Gospel call to be generous in our love, and to participate in God’s mission to bring healing, wholeness and hope to those facing hardship and injustice. It sounds like an overwhelming task, but in fact we can reach people in need with the humblest of actions.           

News & Announcements

A Light on Every Street

Rev Alison Gilchrist, Presbytery Minister Mission at the Uniting Church WA, is inviting Uniting Churches in WA to turn on a Light in Every Street. LED lights and postcards are available for churches to gift to members of their communities this Christmas. Alison shares her thoughts around what this campaign can offer.

‘Tradition’ has become somewhat of a dirty word in church circles. The last thing most churches want to be recognised as is ‘traditional’.

This understanding, or misunderstanding, has been a thorn in my side as both a church minister and as a missioner, so I have read extensive research and engaged in provocative missional discourse in this area to good avail in terms of church vitality and growth, and seen its beneficial results in many congregations.

What actually comes to mind when folk refer to ‘traditional’ is their particular version of what they like or are accustomed to, and not necessarily the broader or larger Christian tradition, where the neverchanging Gospel has always found a voice in ever-changing cultures. It’s a conversation I’m always up for, but that’s for another day. Suffice to say ‘tradition’ fares far better in other arenas.

Of the many who are investigating the benefits of traditions to promote better emotional adjustment, Dr Steven Wolin, a psychiatrist at the George Washington University, says, “If you grow up in a family with strong rituals, you’re more likely to be resilient as an adult.”

Traditions play an important role in shaping personal identity.

Another researcher, psychologist, Dr Marshal Duke, found those who have an intimate knowledge of their family’s history are typically more well-adjusted and self-confident than children who don’t. There’s something about understanding your past and knowing you belong to something bigger than yourself that instills confidence.

Traditions also have the ability to offer comfort and security providing the
antidote to the harried feeling that comes from our fast-paced and everchanging world. There’s comfort in having some constants in your life.

Traditions impart and reinforce values, as well as adding to the rhythm and seasonality of life, which is composed of cycles big and small. Sunrise and sunset; winter, spring, summer, autumn; Christmas, Easter, Pentecost; and traditions tap into the desire to follow this natural rhythm that is embedded deep within us, but which has been flattened out by a contemporary society that creates its own unremitting 24-hour timetable, concentrating only on the now.

Traditions provide a unique way to connect generations especially in the area of lasting memories. Positive childhood memories help make happier and more generous adults.

Psychologists used to consider nostalgia a sign of depression. Fresh research, however, has shown that reflecting fondly on those things in our ‘nostalgia repository’ actually provides a myriad of positive benefits including counteracting loneliness, boosting generosity towards strangers, and staving off anxiety.

As I said at the outset, tradition has fared well, and proven itself valuable, despite our church based misgivings.

The Church’s DNA includes being a catalyst for positive family and community values, we see it modelled in the New Testament and in our history through the ages.

A Light on Every Street has been developed for us to continue in that great tradition in a small, but not insignificant way, and to share something of the Good News of the hope of our faith, by offering a Christmas gift that has the potential to keep giving as those receiving it frame their own new tradition.

More information and resources for A Light on Every Street are available from
Alison by emailing or call 9260 9800. To read
more visit

News & Announcements

Messages from the aether: Surviving the festive season

Heather Dowling, Revive editor, shares some useful tips for surviving the Christmas and New Year season.

News & Announcements

Editorial: Congratulations GSI!

Good Samaritan Industries (GSI) is one of my favourite parts of the Uniting Church.

I’ve grown up shopping at Good Sammy stores, not only for the bargain but because my mum always taught us to be thoughtful about what we were buying, and that re-using second-hand clothes was better than piling them up in landfill.

News & Announcements

Combined churches camp by the seaside

What do you get if you combine 41 adults, 19 children, fun, sun, sand, activities, a campfire, and lots of conversation? The recent combined Star Street and Maylands – Mt Lawley Uniting Church  Camp!

News & Announcements

Perth comes together for peace

St George’s Cathedral Perth will play host this weekend to a once-in-a-lifetime ecumenical commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the end of World War 1, and a commitment to making peace in 2018. The Perth Peacemaking Conference will bring together headline interstate presenters, local peace activists, and practical opportunities for peacemaking.

Kate Leaney, Social Justice Officer for the Uniting Church in Western Australia, has been one of the key organisers of the event along with other members of the Ecumenical Social Justice Roundtable.