News & Announcements

16th Assembly goes online

The Uniting Church’s triennial Assembly meeting will take place online for the first time, due to continuing risk factors around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Members of the Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) took the historic decision at an extraordinary meeting on Saturday 30 January 2021.

“Putting the safety and wellbeing of members of the 16th Assembly first was the key driver in this decision,” said Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer.

“ASC members believed that a face-to-face meeting simply could not be planned with sufficient certainty.”

“Despite a drop in community transmissions, the emergence of new, more contagious strains of the virus in Australia is concerning. There are also many other risks to consider that are out of our control.

“So less than six months out from the triennial meeting, we are putting the safety of Assembly members and staff first.”

A shortened 16th Assembly will take place online from 17-18 July 2021 with a view to reconvening the Assembly meeting in 2022 when a face-to-face meeting is possible.

“More details will be provided in the coming weeks in a timely and transparent manner, in particular to Assembly members,” said Colleen.

“Work is already well advanced to ensure that the 16th Assembly meeting will be an accessible, joyful and hope-filled event that addresses the necessary church business and governance requirements.”

The 16th Assembly meeting was originally scheduled to take place at the Queensland Synod’s Alexandra Park Conference Centre on the Sunshine Coast from 15-19 July 2021.

”The Queensland Synod has been very supportive in our initial planning, even as we have lived in this time of uncertainty,” said Colleen.

Assembly President, Dr Deidre Palmer reflected on the loss some Assembly members may feel at not meeting in person.

“It will be different not being in the same room together. We will miss the community that grows when we worship and pray together in person . We will miss those wonderful conversations that happen informally. I think many will feel a sense of loss,” said Deidre.

“As the church, we have all been adapting to the impacts of the global pandemic, and guided by the Spirit we have responded with creativity and care.  Our online Assembly meeting in July will gather in worship, give thanks for God’s blessings, build community and discern the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in guiding our life and mission.”

Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer reassured Uniting Church members that the 16th Assembly meeting would still be a high point in the life of the Uniting Church.

“We will still be incorporating program elements that showcase the breadth of our achievement as a church deeply engaged in transforming lives and the communities we live in.”

“Most of us are a lot more familiar with video conferencing than we were at the start of the pandemic, to the point that a number of UCA Church Synods have moved their meetings online.”

“As a pilgrim people on the way we will be resilient and make the best of the current circumstances.

“Please keep us in your prayers as we work through the remaining planning and preparations,” said Colleen.

More details on the 16th Assembly meeting arrangements will be published on the Assembly website as they become available.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash


News & Announcements

Wesley College student creates a buzz

Wesley College Year 12 student, Luke de Laeter, has been awarded the prestigious 2020 Beazley Medal: Vocational Education and Training (VET). Wesley College is a Uniting Church WA school in South Perth.

Luke also graduated as the inaugural VET Dux of College in 2020. His Vocational Education Training (VET) pathway included a Certificate III in Beekeeping, Certificate III in Business and a Certificate II in Design and Technology.

News & Announcements

New beginnings for Steve at Tranby

Rev Steve Francis, Ex-Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, is the new Chaplain of Tranby College, a Uniting Church school in Baldivis WA. Steve began the role in term 4, 2020, after he completed his role as Moderator in September.

Before serving a double, six-year term as Moderator, Steve served as the Minister of Nedlands Uniting Church, a large multicultural congregation, for twenty-three years. He has previously also worked as the State Youth Director for the Uniting Church WA.

News & Announcements

Toodyay back on deck

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In fact, we had to place all our plans on hold. Gradually we are slowly resuming our activities.

News & Announcements

2020 Pastoral Letter: Christ the light

Dr Deidre Palmer, President of the Uniting Church in Australia has shared a pastoral letter to the church, celebrating Christmas and marking the end of 2020.

News & Announcements

Camp by the seaside with Messy Church this Summer

The Messy Church Summer Camp will be held for the third time in WA this January, and registrations are already flying in as families and friends choose to take some time together in a Messy Church way.

It will be held from Friday 1 to Monday 18 January at the Uniting Church Campsite in Busselton, and campers are invited to attend as many or as few days they like during this time.

News & Announcements

Explore Creative Worship this Summer Spirit

Summer Spirit is back in 2021, with a focus on Creative Worship.

Summer Spirit is a two-day formation event for members and leaders of the Uniting Church WA, organised by the Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL).

Next year’s event will be held from Friday 19 to Saturday 20 February at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church.

News & Announcements

Uniting Church says State Climate Policy is a missed opportunity that leaves WA falling behind

Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, today expressed her disappointment at the lack of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the WA State Climate Policy released this week.

“There are lots of promising project announcements collated here, many of which are welcome starting points, but what we are really looking for in a State Climate Policy are concrete parameters and an overarching plan for how to transition our economy and reduce emissions,” she said.

News & Announcements

Moderator’s Morning Tea: Encouraging one another and working together

This year’s Moderator’s Morning Tea was held on Thursday 19 November at Trinity Residential College, giving Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA, a chance to thank leaders of the Uniting Church WA family for the work they do, as well as providing them an opportunity to come together and share their experiences and hopes.

Amanda Hunt, CEO of Uniting WA, Melanie Kiely, CEO of Good Sammy Enterprises, and Dr Alec O’Connell, Headmaster of Scotch College were the guest speakers who shared on the theme of ‘Encouraging one another and working together.’

News & Announcements

Candlelight Vigil at Parliament: Faith groups join together to pray for the planet

Members from Perth’s Muslim, Buddhist, Bahá’í, Catholic and other Christian communities gathered last night to pray and meditate for a safe climate future.

The group, from the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, believe that WA has an important role to play in reducing Australia’s impact on the climate.